Sexually transmitted diseases are practically those diseases that are caused by any case of physical activity. The parasites or bacteria that are the main cause of common STDs are mostly transmitted from person to person. This can be in the form of blood, bodily fluids, or simply in semen during sexual activity. During times, these diseases can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. Using shared needles and blood transfusions are also some ways in which STDs can be spread. STDs do not always show symptoms. Sometimes coming in contact with a person who is very normal might be having STD, and they might not even be knowing it. STDs start with either fever or cold, and finding it out seems difficult. 

Symptoms of Most Common STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases are getting common. Some people might not even know that they have STDs for years. Even though the symptoms might not be known, but they are still dangerous to the body. Some of the symptoms are listed as under:

1. Urination changes

Burning or irritation feel during urination is one cause of STDs. It might lead to gonorrhoea, genital herpes, etc. It is good to consult a doctor when you see any change in your urination pattern. 

2. Unusual discharge from the penis

Discharge from the penis is a symptom of STD or any kind of infection. It might be chlamydia or gonorrhoea. This STD can be treated with the use of antibiotics. But medication should be taken at the proper time. Reinfection is possible when coming in contact with a person having STD. 

3. Pain or burning in the vaginal area

The bacterial infection creates pain or burning in the vaginal part. Consulting a doctor when you feel any such pain is necessary. Pubic lice can also cause itching in the vaginal area at times. 

4. The occurrence of pain during sex

A little bit of pain during sex is common and felt by all women. But, if the pain increases or it pains every time sexual activity is performed, then consulting a doctor is a way out. If there is pain during ejaculation in men, then it is also a symptom of STD. 

5. Sores or any kind of bumps

Bumps can be the first symptom of STDs, like genital herpes, sores, etc. If there are unusual bumps coming up in your body, then it is time to consult your doctor. Herpes can go away in 2 weeks. Treatment of herpes is essential; otherwise, the virus remains in the body forever. 

6. Pelvic pain

Excessive pelvic pain in women can be a sign of STD. It is good to consult a doctor before it gets too much, and treatment at the earliest is the best. 

Common Causes of STDs

There are different types of STDs, like herpes, gonorrhoea, HIV, etc. Some of these are caused by viruses which come in contact with a person through blood or sexual act. Bacteria is also another main reason which can cause STDs. Infections can be from saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, etc. Breastfeeding can also cause STDs from mother to child. Pregnant women can pass STD to an unborn child even during delivery. 

Safe sex with condoms helps to save one from HIV or Chlamydia, but the problem arises with the skin to skin contact as there is no way of saving one in that case. STDs can depend on factors such as:

  •  How sex is being done?
  • Is Safe sex practised?
  • If your partner has STD, then what is the type that he has?
  • Are barriers used for oral sex as well? And etc
  • Risk Factors associated with STDs

STDs can be prevented by taking some very simple steps easily. Awareness of the risk factors can help one to be safe and protected from STDs. Some of the risk factors are listed as under:

1. Age

Younger people are more prone to STDs than older people. Younger people have sensitive bodies that make tearing in their bodies quite easy, and STDs get a chance to affect their bodies. Cervices of younger women are not fully developed, making it difficult during sex, and hence viruses get an entry into the body. 

2. Having unprotected sex

Condoms or other birth control protections are one way of protecting from STDs. Viruses get a very small chance to have direct contact with the person making it less effective to attack the person. Using condoms every time is a sure way to protect one from STD. Birth control pills do not protect from STDs. Having dual protection with condoms is simply the best way. 

3. Having multiple partners

Having many sexual partners increases the chances of STDs as any one of the partners may carry the viruses themselves. Also, having sex multiple times with multiple partners does increase the risk of STDs. 

4. Alcohol consumption

Habits of drinking can affect sexual health in many different ways. Many people drink on a regular basis, and the alcohol effect stops them from using condoms, or any protection method increases the risk of STDs. Inhibitions are also lowered with drinking alcohol.

5. Illicit use of drugs

People who have sex under the influence of drugs are mostly prone to STDs as they do not use condoms or any other kind of protection. Drugs give pressure to a person to engage themselves in sex. Injection of drugs in the skin is quite dangerous as it can increase the chances of bloodborne diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis

6. Having an earlier STD symptom

Having one STD symptom is enough to give rise to another one. The skin might be irritated, inflamed, or blistered, giving bacteria a chance to grow there. STDs can grow indirectly in the new infected part. Exposed to one STD increases the risk factors even higher. 

Possible Prevention Methods Of Common STDs

Talking about preventive measures to your sexual health is very important before having sex. If any partner has STD, then having a discussion about this beforehand is a really good idea. Some of the prevention methods are listed as under:

1. Use of condoms in an appropriate manner

Condoms should always be used correctly. It is written in the condom packets of when to use it. Checking the expiration date is a must. The condom must have air bubbles, which prove that it has not been punctured. Unroll the condom before the penis goes up. Hold onto the condom during the entire intercourse. Do not reuse a condom. Do not pull off the condom and again put it on. 

2. The practice of safe sex

Having safer sex with a barrier or latex is important to prevent any kind of STD. This can include the following:

  • Using a male or a female condom
  • Using any kind of dental dams for safer oral sex
  • Gloves used for manual penetration
  • Getting vaccinated

Vaccination is really helpful to prevent certain diseases like Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B. Vaccination should be completed at the ages of 11 and 12, and by the maximum age of 26, it should be completed fully. Hepatitis B is given to newborn babies as they can carry viruses through their mothers also. Hepatitis A is given to 1-year old infants. These vaccinations are needed for even those who do not have any disease now, just to prevent them in the later stage. IV drug users should take vaccinations to stop any chance of the spread of diseases. 

3. Stop consumption of alcohol to a minimum level

Alcohol and drugs can make one take sexual risks more often, and so, these should be stopped either completely or either taken on an occasional basis.

4. Testing after sex

Trying out sex with a new partner can be risky, and so, both partners should take the STIs. Anal and vaginal intercourse should be started only after taking STIs. Oral sex is less risky, but dental dams are always there to help. 

5. Stay with only one partner

In order to save the risk of STD, ensure that you indulge in sexual activity with only one partner. 

Also, Read Our Recommended Post on Preventable STDs That You Should Know About

Treatment Options

STDs can be treated with antibiotics at an early stage. Antibiotics come with a course, and so, the course should be completed even if the virus has gone away. Other’s medicines should not be taken to treat any illness. Sharing medicines with others is not to be done. Additional antibiotics should be given to partners to give the same treatment at the same time. 

Doctors recommend a shorter course. Abstaining from sex for seven days until the course gets completed is needed for good health. Women should be rechecked every three months because there are always higher chances of the infection coming back. 

Antiviral drugs are also treatments for STDs. Taking prescription of antiviral drugs can prevent STDs like herpes, HIV, etc. HIV infection can be kept in check for many numbers of years. The virus can be carried still, but the effect will be lower. The treatment should be started sooner for faster results. STDs can be prevented with a little bit of care and attention. STDs should be kept in control because an increase in STDs can damage the body. 
