In the last decade, an increase in the prevalence of vaginal rejuvenation procedures, which are attributed to greater exposure to media. Women generally go for these procedures mainly for cosmetic reasons, that is- to enhance the appearance of the vagina, as it happens with most women because of childbearing and also because of age-related issues such as laxity, stress incontinence, lack of lubrication, etc. As a result, Vaginal Rejuvenation is mostly opted for by Postmenopausal and Postpartum women.

Vaginal Rejuvenation is a broad term that includes any procedure or treatment that enhances the way a vagina looks or the way it functions. Mostly it includes vaginal corrective treatments that change the vaginal anatomy to improve its physical appearance and to achieve a more pleasurable sexual experience. Vaginal rejuvenation is done using two main procedures:

  • External procedures that are done on the outside or external genitalia like the labia majora, mons pubis, labia minora, clitoral hood, etc.
  • Internal procedures that are performed within the vaginal canal leading up to the cervix

 Vaginal rejuvenation includes several treatments or procedures:

  • Labiaplasty – Labiaplasty or vulval surgery is a procedure done on the labia majora or labia minora, the two folds of skin that surround the vaginal opening. It is mainly done to alter their size or length.
  •  Clitoral hood reduction – This procedure is also known as clitoral hoodectomy. It is a cosmetic procedure that is done to reduce the size of the clitoral hood or the flap of skin that surrounds the glans clitoris. It is mainly done for aesthetic reasons along with labiaplasty.
  • Labia majoraplasty– It is a surgical procedure done to reduce the size of the labia majora, the outer fold of skin surrounding the vaginal opening. It is mainly done by those women that have loose labia majora that can get in the way of them doing certain activities such as cycling etc.
  • Monsplasty– It is a procedure that is done to reduce the size of the mons pubis; the primary goal of this procedure is to reduce the excess fat or bulge in that area.
  • Vaginoplasty– also known as posterior colporrhaphy is a procedure done to improve the laxity of the vagina, many a time postpartum women complain about laxity down thereafter childbearing. Vaginoplasty is done mainly to improve the tightness of the vagina for a better sexual experience.

 Reasons for Getting Vaginal Rejuvenation

 With age, after childbirth and due to hormonal changes, the vagina loses muscles, which can lead to laxity, lack of muscle tone, which in turn leads to incontinence and lower level of sexual pleasure. Vaginal Rejuvenation procedure includes – vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, hymenoplasty, etc.

Vaginal rejuvenation includes a number of procedures that are done to enhance the look and restore the function of a vagina. Most of the cases are for cosmetic reasons like labia majoraplasty, mentoplasty, etc. but some are done for medical reasons like:

  • Bladder prolapse or cystocele – It is a medical condition in which the pelvic floor muscles that hold the bladder and other organs in place weaken, which causes the bladder to drop in the vagina.
  •  Rectal prolapse or rectocele – Rectal prolapse occurs when the weakened rectal walls drop and protrude out of the anus. Vaginoplasty is a procedure by which the vaginal muscles are restrengthened, which helps the rectum to be pushed back to its original position.
  • Urinary incontinence – It means involuntary leakage of urine. This usually occurs due to the weakened pelvic muscles in postpartum, postmenopausal women. Even a simple cough, a sneeze can cause the leakage of urine.
  • Sexual satisfaction – A loose vagina can be a result of childbirth which causes painful sex and also difficulty holding in a tampon, Vaginoplasty is a procedure by which the vaginal walls are restrengthened and tightened which helps women enhance their sexual pleasure.
  • Labiaplasty – Some women that feel that they have a larger labia than normal might have difficulty in engaging in activities like cycling etc. Labiaplasty is done to reduce and alter the size of the labia majora or labia minora- the two folds of skin surrounding the vagina.

Types of Vaginal Rejuvenation Methods

  •  Surgical – Includes removal of excess folds of skin and then tightening them with sutures. This procedure is a long one since it requires a longer recovery period than the non-surgical procedure.
  • Non-surgical – These procedures are what most women nowadays are opting for due to a simple reason that it is noninvasive. Also, it takes very little time as it is an in-office procedure. In non-surgical procedures there is the use of lasers and radiofrequency devices that help in tightening the vaginal muscles by micro-damaging the area which triggers the brain into sending restorative supplies to that particular area which helps in the building of collagen, muscles, and elastin formation, etc. thus improving the laxity of the vagina.

Reasons for Getting a Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

  •  Easy and simple procedure – Non-surgical methods of vaginal rejuvenation are less time consuming and easy; they are basically in-office procedures that require less than 30 minutes on average. As compared to surgical methods, non-surgical methods are less invasive and require no sutures, require less recovery time.
  • Fast recovery period- As compared to surgical methods, non-surgical methods do not require a long recovery period. Lasers and radiofrequency devices are used in non-surgical methods, a patient might experience some level of discomfort, but they are not required to medications for it.
  • Restores vaginal muscles – Women after childbirth suffers from loose vaginal muscles or vaginal laxity, which results in lower sensitivity in the vagina, which causes them to enjoy sexual intercourse less than they used to. Through Vaginoplasty, the walls of the vagina are restrengthened, which helps in improving the tightness of the vaginal muscles, thus overall improving sexual experience.
  •  Improved sexual pleasure – As a result of the non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure, it is reported that women experience a great improvement in sexual pleasure. The procedure improves the muscles and also aids in the improvement of natural lubrication, thus helping in reducing pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Reduced stress-induced urinary incontinence – Urinary incontinence means involuntary leakage of urine while doing simple activities like coughing, sneezing, etc. Urinary incontinence is generally seen in postpartum women as childbirth results in weakened vaginal and pelvic muscles. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation helps in tightening those muscles and thus helps in reducing instances of stress-induced urinary incontinence.

Benefits of Getting Vaginal Rejuvenation

 Vaginal rejuvenation is any procedure that helps the restoration of vaginal anatomy. It is mainly done to improve the overall appearance of the vagina or to enhance sexual pleasure.  Vaginal rejuvenation is mainly performed within the vagina canal, the mucous membrane, and other genital parts. It is especially helpful to women that have a loose vagina due to childbirth or due to ageing.

Vaginal rejuvenation or Vaginoplasty includes a wide variety of procedures ranging from cosmetic or medical like labiaplasty, clitoral hood reduction, monsplasty, etc. Several benefits come with opting for these procedures, such as:

  • Reduced Stress-induced Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence means involuntary leakage of urine while doing simple activities like coughing, sneezing, etc. Urinary incontinence is generally seen in postpartum women as childbirth results in weakened vaginal and pelvic muscles. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation helps in tightening those muscles and thus helps in reducing instances of stress-induced urinary incontinence.

  •  Improved Sexual Pleasure

As a result of the non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure, it is reported that women experience a great improvement in sexual pleasure. The procedure improves the muscles and also aids in the improvement of natural lubrication, thus helping in reducing pain during sexual intercourse.

  • Boosts Self-Esteem

Some women that suffer from vaginal laxity find it embarrassing to engage in sexual activity, vaginal rejuvenation plays a great role in those women’s life by not only improving the how their vagina feels but also by boosting their self-esteem.

  •  Reduction in Pain

Often times women that have had a baby suffer from vaginal laxity or loosening of the vaginal walls that, in turn, results in increased dryness, which makes sexual intercourse extremely uncomfortable as well as painful. Vaginal rejuvenation helps in thickening of the vaginal walls by helping the body to heal itself and produce more collagen, which thus improving vaginal lubrication that leads to a better sexual experience.

  •  Helps women with Larger Labia

Some women have a larger labia than normal, which proves to be a hindrance in their day to day activity, making them feel fuller and heavier. They also find it difficult to engage in activities like cycling. Vaginal rejuvenation helps in altering the size of the labia, thus making such women feel more comfortable.

  •  Prevents the Signs of Aging

Childbearing can lead to loosening of the vaginal walls; these effects are also seen as a sign of aging. Vaginal rejuvenation prevents these by restrengthening and reconstructing the vaginal muscles in such a way that they are restored to their young and pre-delivery state.

  •  Brings symmetry between the Labia Minora

Some women either due to childbirth or because they are naturally born with it have a larger labia minora or the inner folds of skin surrounding the vaginal opening. Through vaginal rejuvenation, their size is reduced, and symmetry between them is achieved.

  •  Can treat a Prolapsed Uterus

It is when the pelvic muscles get weak and are no longer able to support the uterus and so the uterus drops in the vagina and can sometimes be seen through the vaginal opening. Vaginal rejuvenation can not address the issue directly, but based on the gravity of the problem, it can be addressed to some extent.

  •  Improvement of the Overall Appearance of the Treated Area

Vaginal rejuvenation methods such as labia majoraplasty, mentoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, etc. can help a woman feel good about the overall appearance of the vagina which helps boost self-confidence

 Frequently Asked Questions

The number one cause for urinary incontinence and loss of sexual sensation in ageing and postpartum women is the loosening of vaginal walls. Vaginal laxity or relaxation can be easily corrected with the help of vaginal rejuvenation or Vaginoplasty. The following are some frequently asked questions regarding the subject.

 Q1. What can be treated with Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Women that have had babies often complain about the loss of sensation when engaging in sexual activities that majorly impact their sex lives. They also complain of stress-induced urinary incontinence or involuntary passing of urine when they cough or sneeze. Vaginal rejuvenation or Vaginoplasty is a procedure by which the vaginal walls are tightened using surgical or non-surgical methods. This helps in reconstructing the vaginal walls making it fuller and thick again. A tighter vagina means improved sex life and also less occurrence of stress-induced urinary incontinence.

Q2. How long does it take to perform?

The time is taken to perform non-surgical Vaginoplasty hardly takes 30 minutes; it is an in-office procedure that is done without the use of sedatives.

Q3. What is recovery like?

The recovery time in non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures is less as it is noninvasive, and there are no sutures involved. A person can resume their daily activities as soon as the procedure is done.


To summarize Vaginal Rejuvenation or Vaginoplasty is nothing short of a boon to women that go through a lot of discomfort and embarrassment due to how their vagina feels and looks. It not only benefits those women that develop loose vaginal muscles or lose the muscle tone in the vagina due to childbirth or due to aging, but it also helps those women that are born with certain deformities like large and asymmetrical labia or bulging mons pubis, etc.

Vaginal rejuvenation restores the general anatomy of the vagina, not only that, but it also helps give women a new life and to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. With the introduction of non-surgical methods, the recovery and procedure time has also been reduced, making it easier for someone thinking of undergoing it.

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