Find out how optimized harmones
may improve your mood, energy
sleep, weight, and libido


● Increased energy, strength, and weight loss
● Feel younger, healthier and happier
● Better moods, memory, and mental clarity
● Restored libido and improved relationships

Schedule a free BioteHormone Replacement Consultation

Have Questions?

When our hormone levels start declining we start feeling the
unwanted symptoms of this decline. These include:

● Fatigue and lack of energy
● Hot flashes
● Insomnia, difficulty sleeping at night
● Reduced mental focus and memory, “brain fog”
● Mood swings, feeling on edge or feeling down
● Weight gain especially around the midsection
● Inability to lose weight regardless of diet and exercise
● Decreased muscle strength
● Muscle and/or joint discomfort and pain
● Low libido, reduced sexual desire and performance

Let us help you bring balance back to hormone levels and decrease unpleasant symptoms! Schedule a FREE consultation to find out if you are a candidate for this revolutionary therapy.

Let us help you bring balance back to hormone levels and decrease unpleasant symptoms! Schedule a FREE consultation to find out if you are a candidate for this revolutionary therapy.

Discover how Biote bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is changing
the lives of women and men

Here What Patients Are Saying

Biote pellets were life changing. I feel amazing and I’m ready to get back to work. Biote gave me my life back

The pellet HRT has helped me so much. I have increased energy, libido and relief from hot flashes.

Embry Women’s Health is committed to providing women in Mesa, Arizona, and the surrounding Phoenix communities, personalized, in-depth medical care that focuses on the patient and her individual concerns. Women providers who are passionate about women’s health and understand the unique concerns that women deal with throughout the different stages of life.