Getting pregnant comes with its own set of changes both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Where on one side it brings excitement, nervousness, and a whole lot of emotions as a new mother, it also gives your body a lot of changes which are not always pleasant. One such unpleasant change is to suffer from morning sickness. Around 7 out of 10 women suffer from morning sickness during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

Nausea and vomiting are the most common complaints of women during pregnancy. Some women may even feel sick the entire day, while others can feel sick and have a weakness first thing in the morning. Women generally face morning sickness in their initial six weeks of pregnancy and it can last till around eight or nine weeks. 

Duration of morning sickness

Morning sickness is among the various signs of pregnancy. It starts in the initial phase and gets better after around 3 to 4 months. Having said that definitely covers the first trimester. But there are some women who suffer from morning sickness even after the first trimester too. Nearly one pregnant woman out of ten feels sick for around 20 months.  

Causes of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

In pregnancy, nearly everything is uncertain. And hence, determining a single cause for morning sickness is quite difficult. The changes or increase in the levels of the hormones in the initial week is the widely found cause of morning sickness. Another widely found cause is reduced levels of blood sugar. Apart from all these, other possible causes include: 

  • Increase in the estrogen levels can lead to vomiting or nausea for a short time 
  • Increase in the hCG that is human chorionic gonadotrophin levels 
  • Deficiency of particular nutrition in the body, particularly Vitamin B6 
  • Gastric issues which help in preparing the womb and protecting it too 
  • If the pregnant woman is having either twins or even triplets 
  • When the pregnant woman is suffering from excess fatigue, she can have morning sickness issues 
  • When the pregnant woman is fighting against emotional stress during this phase 
  • Frequent traveling is also among the various reasons for morning sickness 

Surely, morning sickness can be severe or mild, depending according to the medical condition of the pregnant woman. It can be severe in the morning, and mild in the rest of the day. 

Tips for Dealing with Pregnancy Morning Sickness

Be it mild or severe; morning sickness is surely quite disturbing in any condition. Here are some simple tips that can help you in dealing with morning sickness. 

  • Rest is very important

Lack of required rest during pregnancy can lead to various disturbances in the body, and morning sickness is among them. Apart from having a good sleep at night, taking a healthy nap in the afternoon can also help in dealing with nausea and vomiting. However, make sure you don’t sleep straight after having meals. If you are already having a small kid, look for some help from a baby sitter so you can have time for yourself to rest during the day time.

  • Avoid heavy ingredients

Make sure to avoid ingredients like caffeine, spicy food items, and fatty items in your meals as all these ingredients release the acids in the stomach. When the pregnancy progresses, the fetus will push against the digestive system, which can lead to vomiting and nausea. Go for small portions to control vomiting as well as items rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Go for cold foods, plain veggies, and fruits, bland food items, etc.

Besides, take a healthy natural diet, it’s important to be aware of your nutritional needs during pregnancy as it will help you combat your morning sickness during the initial phase of pregnancy. 

Read our recommended post What Do You Want to Know About Your Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy?

  • Stay active, physically and mentally 

Remaining active physically has helped many pregnant women in improving morning sickness. Again, remaining busy would keep your occupied to avoid the feeling of nausea. So, look for activities like solving puzzles, reading books, playing cards, television and music, short walks, etc. Again, make sure if you are going for some exercises, make sure your doctor is aware of it. 

  • Hydration is equally important

Staying hydrated helps in avoiding various health issues even during pregnancy. It may not be possible to have eight water glasses in a day when suffering from nausea, yet, remaining hydrated is much helpful. Look for other fluid options like honey, apple cider vinegar, fruit juices, etc. 

  • Adding ginger & peppermint in your tea

Ginger is a popular ingredient when looking for digestive issues as well as abdominal discomfort. Similarly, ginger is much effective in dealing with morning sickness, particularly for pregnant women. You can add ginger to your tea, water, bread as well as cookies. Peppermint tea also comes with similar benefits and settles the stomach. 

  • Wear comfortable clothes

Yes, your dressing also matters when it comes to dealing with morning sickness. Look for comfortable and loose clothes as tight clothes can worsen both vomiting and nausea. Wearing loose clothes would also reduce the chances of anxiety, which can lead to morning sickness. 

  • Add essential vitamins & supplements

Vitamins are quite essential at the time of fighting against morning sickness. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient for reducing the effect of nausea during pregnancy. Also, look for other Vitamins in a natural way along with iron. Make sure you go for supplements only if your doctor recommends it. Choose your prenatal vitamins after consulting your doctor to ensure that you are meeting all your dietary needs.

  • Avoid using computer & mobile phones

Surprisingly, the computer monitor flickers also affect morning sickness. No doubt, avoiding the computers completely during pregnancy is quite impossible, but you can make changes in the screen brightness, make the fonts bold, change the background to pink or soft tan, etc. This would reduce the strain on the eyes. 

  • Say no to Triggers 

Pregnant women are quite sensitive to particular odors. Where the strong smell can turn the symptoms severe, even the mild ones can increase your smelling sensitivity. During pregnancy, rosemary and lemon extract can be helpful. Recognize the triggers that can lead to nausea and avoid them. 

  • Prevent acid reflux

At times women may face vomiting and nausea in pregnancy because of acid reflux. This is a situation when the acid levels in the stomach increase, it can lead to vomiting in the morning. So, make sure to consult your doctor for proper medications and therapies for dealing with acid reflux. Again, taking any medicine for dealing with acid reflux can be dangerous, so go for prescribed medications only. 

  • Track your sickness timings 

During pregnancy, the timings of vomiting or nausea may remain the same every day. Like many women, vomit after meals or suffer from nausea every evening. In such a situation, look for small eating portions to avoid it. Rather than having heavy meals, go for small portions to control vomiting. Having some food at that time can help in reducing the situation to a great extent. 

  • Carry helping kit 

Vomiting in public is something no one would wish to do. And to make the situation a little bearable, prepare a kit and carry it along with you when you walk out that would help in dealing with morning sickness. Pack a clean cloth, mouthwash bottle, toothpaste and brush, mints, chocolates, plastic bag, etc. and prepare a kit that can be used in public. 

  • Don’t forget your medicines 

The prescription provided by the doctor is much helpful in controlling the symptoms. So, make sure you don’t forget to take your medications prescribed by the doctor on time. Also, contact your doctor immediately if any side effect is observed on taking the medicines. The doctor might suggest particular supplements required for a healthy pregnancy. So, take the medicines at a regular time, and make sure after having a healthy meal. Skipping meals and starving can be unhealthy for the baby. 

  • Follow proper routine

One of the common problems of women during pregnancy is hesitation from a proper routine. So, wake up and carry out every possible routine to deal with morning sickness. This would not only make you feel better but would also help in moving towards a healthy pregnancy. If the taste of a particular toothpaste helps in avoiding vomiting, go for it. Do anything that keeps morning sickness away without any hesitation or indolence. 

  • Speak to your doctor

Yes, giving your feelings words would be much helpful in reducing its adverse effect on your health, particularly mental stress. Powering yourself or self-support is the best way to deal with various issues during pregnancy. So, if you don’t like any particular smell, speak up and tell him. If you want to avoid particular ingredients in your pizza, ask them to avoid it. Making small changes can be helpful in feeling better, improves your mood, and also keeps him happy. 

Apart from all these, ask your doctor to set a diet plan for you to reduce the impact of morning sickness. Keep snacks with different flavors handy as you can crave any time like flavored candies, chocolates, dried fruits, etc. 

Pregnancy is a phase where every new day brings an unexpected change or demand in your routine, it still can be looked after or controlled well by following particular steps or a proper routine. So, speak to your doctors and family regarding the morning sickness and try some home remedies to feel better. 

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